Andrea Furlan Apps

Calorie Sport Pro 1.1
Andrea Furlan
Questa innovativa app per dispositivi androidti permetterà di tenere sotto controllo le calorie che entrano edescono dal tuo corpo in modo semplice e veloce.L'applicazione possiede un database con quasi 1300 alimentisuddivisi in categorie e oltre 200 tipi di attività grazie al qualeè possibile conoscere le calorie che assumiamo tramite i cibi i equelle che consumiamo tramite le attività fisiche.Potrai tenere traccia dei tuoi dati tramite la creazione di undiario personale nel quale sarà presente anche il tuo fabbisognocalorico giornaliero.Infine puoi tenere traccia delle attività come camminata, corsae bicicletta; infatti tramite il GPS potrai controllareinformazioni utili come velocità massima e media, tempo diallenamento, distanza percorsa e infine le calorie che haiconsumato per poterle aggiungere al diario!Parole chiave: contatore calorie, calorie assunte, consumocalorie, attivita fisica, dimagrire, fast food, calorie alimenti,compagno di passeggiata, mantenersi in forma, calorie it, caloriecalculator, calorie bruciate.Sviluppata in Collaborazione con Simone Pellegrini.This innovative app forAndroid devices will allow you to keep track of the calories comingin and out from your body easily and fast.The application has a database with more than 1300 foods,divided into categories and over 200 kinds of activities throughwhich you can learn about the calories we take in through food iethose that consume through physical activities.You can keep track of your data by creating a personal diary inwhich will also be your daily calorie needs.Finally you can keep track of tasks such as walking, running andbiking; In fact, using the GPS, you can check information such asmaximum and average speed, exercise time, distance traveled, andfinally the calories you've consumed before you can add to yourdiary!Keywords: calorie counter, calorie intake, calorie consumption,physical activity, weight loss, fast food, calories foods, walkmate, keeping fit, it calorie, calorie calculator, caloriesburned.Developed in collaboration with Simone Pellegrini.
Casper - Friends on Snapchat 1.6.0
Andrea Furlan
This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, oraffiliated with, Snapchat, Inc.This is the easiest way to get more friends. Simply add otherFriends to earn coins. Once you have coins you can spend them toget friends on your profileCasper lets you:- Add new friends- Let you choose to add Female or Male friends- Does not put a limitation on the amount of friends you cangetHow does it work?When you order friends your profile is displayed to other Casperusers until it has received the desired number of friends.This app is not sponsoredor endorsed by, or affiliated with, Snapchat, Inc.This is the Easiest way to get blackberries friends. Simply addother Friends to earn coins. Once you have coins you can spend themto get friends on your profileCasper lets you:- Add new friends- Let you choose to add Female or Male friends- Does not put a limitation on the amount of friends you cangetHow does it work?When you order your friends profile is displayed to other usersCasper until it has received the Desired number of friends.